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JourneyGuide Living Illustration (JGLI) is a web-based application that seeks to answer two fundamental questions: 1) Does an annuity (or defined outcome product in general) make sense as a portion of the client’s portfolio?   And if so, 2) What should the allocation be (e.g. which product/strategy and how much)?  At its core, JGLI allows defined outcome product issuers and distributors to demonstrate the impact of their products in a portfolio, both for accumulation and income.  The unique characteristics of these instruments are best expressed in the context of how they interrelate with the client’s other portfolio assets.  To do this, JGLI runs millions of calculations to simulate varying market conditions and combinations of strategy allocations to show when a shift in strategy makes sense for the client and, more importantly, when it doesn’t.

Web-based living illustration tool that allows issuers and distributors to demonstrate the impact of their products in a portfolio

  • Work closely with defined outcome product issuers to model the accumulation and income components of their products.

  • Products are illustrated on the issuer’s website via API or embedded tool as well as optionally within a hosted JourneyGuide application.

  • Issuers and distributors demonstrate the effectiveness of their products in real life planning and portfolio management situations.

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